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 Hearing from the holy spirit

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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 1:49 am

I have on a few occasions while in prayer or while praying for somebody, thoughts and words come into my head which I can only put down to the voice of the Holy Spirit. On numerous occasions I have been warned by the Holy Spirit of impending harm - which comes into my head almost like an audible voice. For example, I was driving on the highway a few months back and a still voice in my head said "somebody is going to do a U-turn in front of you". I immediately slowed down and sure as anything a person drove from the other side of the highway, on a blind bend, across my side of the highway in front of me. If I had not slowed down I would have hit him.

The reason I am discussing this is often when I relate these happenings to other Christians I get a blank response - as if to say "buddy you have had to much to drink" or I get the response "you need your head checked" but more often I get the response "I wish could also hear God".

I just want to know how many of you have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and what can we do as Christians to encourage other Christians to recognize the soft voice of the Holy Spirit.

I do not believe I am special, or nuts or paranoid. Yes I do have my own thoughts which cloud my hearing but when the Holy Spirit speaks it is as if His voice is crystal clear and exceptionally peaceful.

I was in a major car accident a few years back and while my car was spinning out of control, I believe the Holy Spirit spoke in that moment of turmoil. Is was as if time stood still - now there were other people in the car and believe me time did not stand still for them. Just as my car was about to roll (@ 120km/hr) the Holy Spirit told me to take my foot off the brake - no spiritual enlightenment just plain simple instruction. The result was nobody in the car was hurt because the car did not roll but actually straightened itself out and came to a halt in the grass on the side of the highway. Afterwards I found out the entire steering column was broken at the time of impact - I had no way of controlling the car - God saved our lives.

Once when I went to pray for a sick child, as I walked in the hospital ward the Holy Spirit said to me that the boys father would give his life to Christ when his son is saved. Sure as anything his son was saved and he did give his life to Christ.

Please share your experiences of hearing the Holy Spirit, it can only encourage those who think they do not hear from God to start listening more carefully.
Isa 9:6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 1:51 am

I had lost my debit card and didn't know where it was. I had to pay a bill or else I would have been fined by the bank. I spent all day looking for it. Finally as I went to bed I in frustration asked the lord to help me find it. I saw where the card was. It was behind the desk on the floor. Whether it was a vision I don't know. I got out of the bed and sure enough it was where I saw it.

I was at work and the Holy Spirit gave me a knowing to fix the key holder. I ignored it thinking it was just me and later lost the key. The Holy Spirit told me to take some money and put it in my pocket, He would later tell me whome to give it. It was later that I was prompted to give it to a cousin.

These things happen all the time. The bible says the spirit of man is the candle of he lord and as many as are led of the lord they are the children of God. The lord Jesus is our sheperd and part of the task of the sheperd is to guide the sheep.

The Christian life is a supernatural life.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 1:53 am

Athos wrote:
I had lost my debit card and didn't know where it was. I had to pay a bill or else I would have been fined by the bank. I spent all day looking for it. Finally as I went to bed I in frustration asked the lord to help me find it. I saw where the card was. It was behind the desk on the floor. Whether it was a vision I don't know. I got out of the bed and sure enough it was where I saw it.

I was at work and the Holy Spirit gave me a knowing to fix the key holder. I ignored it thinking it was just me and later lost the key. The Holy Spirit told me to take some money and put it in my pocket, He would later tell me whome to give it. It was later that I was prompted to give it to a cousin.

These things happen all the time. The bible says the spirit of man is the candle of he lord and as many as are led of the lord they are the children of God. The lord Jesus is our sheperd and part of the task of the sheperd is to guide the sheep.

The Christian life is a supernatural life.

Amen to that!
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 1:55 am

Late November of 1969, the exact date is found on the Wall in DC with the name Paul Edgar Heinen, I was standing in the Company street there in An Khe cursing God, a strange thing for an Atheist to do. God spoke just seven words and changed my entire life from that day forward. If you had stood there with me you would not have heard the still, quiet voice, it was for just me when He said, "Why curse me, you don even believe."
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 1:57 am

Scooter wrote:
Late November of 1969, the exact date is found on the Wall in DC with the name Paul Edgar Heinen, I was standing in the Company street there in An Khe cursing God, a strange thing for an Atheist to do. God spoke just seven words and changed my entire life from that day forward. If you had stood there with me you would not have heard the still, quiet voice, it was for just me when He said, "Why curse me, you don even believe."

If God speaks like this to unbelievers - how much more does He speak to believers!
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:02 am

Love wrote:

If God speaks like this to unbelievers - how much more does He speak to believers!

Amen! I have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit from the moment I converted 23 years later and those that claim the name of the Christ and yet say they do not know the Holy Ghost's presence concern me. I have even been told in a Baptist Forum by a Pastor/Seminary Prof. not to give him that holy spirit c--p when he asked for my certificate of learning and what courses I took.

My usual reaction to those professing Christ without the indwelling is that they should, with prayer, do a Spiritual Inventory. Being a Baptist, naturally, I hang a lot on their forums and the usual reaction to my statement is to challenge me with, "How dare you tell me I'm not saved?" Because of my teaching from the Holy Ghost I have beliefs that some tend to question except the Pentecostals. In Baptist circle I am oft called Bapticostal. My favorite missionary is a Charismatic on the field in Guatemala that is routinely witness to the greatest miracles because of the basic belief of the converts he has brought to the foot of the cross.

I truly wish the "well off" had the faith of the Third World Converts.
God bless my brother
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:06 am

Quote :
I just want to know how many of you have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and what can we do as Christians to encourage other Christians to recognize the soft voice of the Holy Spirit.

I do not believe I am special, or nuts or paranoid. Yes I do have my own thoughts which cloud my hearing but when the Holy Spirit speaks it is as if His voice is crystal clear and exceptionally peaceful.

The Spirit speaks to me in different ways. Many times His voice is what could seem to be a passing thought, which in hind sight, proves to be a gentle nudge. Maybe its a reminder to grab something which later turns out to be needed. I used to ignore these thoughts, but now that I am wiser (if not older) I realize my life is made much simpler and easier if I listen.

If we have given ourselves to God, He will use the Spirit to guide us. We have free will and can (and often do) go our own way. But, if we let go and let God have His way, our lives will follow the path He has set for us.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:08 am

Scooter wrote:

Amen! I have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit from the moment I converted 23 years later and those that claim the name of the Christ and yet say they do not know the Holy Ghost's presence concern me. I have even been told in a Baptist Forum by a Pastor/Seminary Prof. not to give him that holy spirit c--p when he asked for my certificate of learning and what courses I took.

My usual reaction to those professing Christ without the indwelling is that they should, with prayer, do a Spiritual Inventory. Being a Baptist, naturally, I hang a lot on their forums and the usual reaction to my statement is to challenge me with, "How dare you tell me I'm not saved?" Because of my teaching from the Holy Ghost I have beliefs that some tend to question except the Pentecostals. In Baptist circle I am oft called Bapticostal. My favorite missionary is a Charismatic on the field in Guatemala that is routinely witness to the greatest miracles because of the basic belief of the converts he has brought to the foot of the cross.

I truly wish the "well off" had the faith of the Third World Converts.
God bless my brother

Yup Christianity can no longer be called a Western religion - the explosive growth in Africa especially is amazing. African churches appear to more open to the Holy Spirit than Western Churches.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:09 am

Such a nice thread this.

God has helped me SO MANY times. In all of them I have heard The Holy Spirit's voice! I have absolutely no doubt that He speaks to us and definitely in extreme situations. I suppose He speaks louder to some and softer to others, but He definitely talks to us!

In addition to my testimony on the London train I have these 'stand-out' events.

I was driving on the highway around 5 years back. I got a glimpse of traffic in my lane up ahead and started looking for a space in the lane next to me. There was no space. I was doing about 100km/h in the fast lane. Suddenly a soft voice says to me that there is a space. I take it and thank The Lord because I was battling to get in. A split second after I move into the other lane, the cars in front of me start breaking hard and crashing. The drivers of the vehicle in front of me died.

Another time on my motorbike. I am driving at around 12pm at night, doing the speed limit of 80km/h. Driving down an empty street except for a stationery car in front of me parked on the left hand side of the road. Murphy's law, as I come close to the car, it swerves in front of me and then stops dead in the road when it see my lights. I cannot think of a worse case of bad luck for me!!!!! A soft voice told me to dip my bike to the left. I recall thinking that was not practical as I would hit the tar and then go flying into the car. I did that, lost control of the bike, but safely went flying and rolling away from the car. By doing that I realise it whiplashed me into safety but not the bike. The driver of the vehicle was high on drugs (think heroine). She comes up to me asking why I crashed. I wasnt the slightest upset with her as I was so glad to just be alive.

I am mountain climbing with my family. Cut a long story short. My sister gets stuck on small ledge with nowhere to go. The rocks she stood on to get there have fallen. She is getting tired and panicking. I estimate it was around 300 metres high. My friend who liked her, wants to be the hero and save her. So he goes the route she took. When he gets there he starts crying, swearing and losing his mind. As he realises she is probably going to die. I get to the scene. Say a prayer with her. God calms everyone down. I recall speaking to The Lord, saying this predicament looks impossible to help her. I then hear a soft voice saying just reach out and take the leap. I do it. My family and friends panic. My sister grabs on to me and just like that its all over. Looking back, I basically leaped forward onto a ledge sticking out about 5cm, with a 300m fall beneath. My sister then jumps on me to safety. It was truly amazing. All the glory to God. I raised this event at her wedding. She burst into tears thanking God once more.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:13 am

Quote :
I just want to know how many of you have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and what can we do as Christians to encourage other Christians to recognize the soft voice of the Holy Spirit.

I would say simply spending time with The Lord. Prayer, reading scriputre, fellowship or just casual talk. When we do these things we become more aware of The Holy Spirit's presence. His presence can serve as confirmation for us on whether the soft voice is our mind or in fact God.

I have never literally heard His voice to my ears. It is always a calm, soft, caring voice in my head (I hope atheists don't read that ).
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:15 am

About two years back we were visiting a water theme park at the coast and it was very busy. During the day my small daughter (who cannot talk) went missing. We realised immediately that she was gone and panicked because people steal children in my country. I immediately asked for God's help and the Holy Spirit told me exactly where she had gone. Nobody had stolen her but she had decided she wanted to go back into the aquarium to see the fish and that is exactly where I found her. Without the help of the Holy Spirit it would have taken hours to search the park.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:17 am

I have been a christian for many years and have heard the Holy Spirit off and on those many years. I had surrendered my life to G_d and Jesus and it was bliss. The christian walk was far from boring. I depended on the still small voice for direction. It would bring understanding to the scriptures I read. The knowledge learned was immense. But recently something happened and I no longer hear the small voice of G_d. I get the quiet but no voice. Even while reading scriptures no longer the voice. I feel like I'm lost, with no direction or guidence. I feel lukewarm at best. Best way to describe it, or indifferent. Definitely no longer feel the love of G_d or His presence. This has greatly hampered my walk with G_d and Jesus. I still believe in G_d and Jesus, just that now everything is mondane. The fire has waned from a raging fire to a small glowing ember. I seek the embrace of the first love, but relationships are two- way. I seek G_d's and Jesus's face but I need to be sought out too. Like the lost lamb on the edge of the cliff I seek my rescuer to bring me back into the fold.
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Hearing from the holy spirit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hearing from the holy spirit   Hearing from the holy spirit EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 2:19 am

Scars wrote:
I have been a christian for many years and have heard the Holy Spirit off and on those many years. I had surrendered my life to G_d and Jesus and it was bliss. The christian walk was far from boring. I depended on the still small voice for direction. It would bring understanding to the scriptures I read. The knowledge learned was immense. But recently something happened and I no longer hear the small voice of G_d. I get the quiet but no voice. Even while reading scriptures no longer the voice. I feel like I'm lost, with no direction or guidence. I feel lukewarm at best. Best way to describe it, or indifferent. Definitely no longer feel the love of G_d or His presence. This has greatly hampered my walk with G_d and Jesus. I still believe in G_d and Jesus, just that now everything is mondane. The fire has waned from a raging fire to a small glowing ember. I seek the embrace of the first love, but relationships are two- way. I seek G_d's and Jesus's face but I need to be sought out too. Like the lost lamb on the edge of the cliff I seek my rescuer to bring me back into the fold.

Sorry to hear this!

When I feel as you do I just remind myself that God is good, perfect and His love for us is greater then our understanding. The only flaw in the relationship is us. If anything is lacking it is our side. Consider Job. Hell hit him and he still loved God.
Despite what he went through he KNEW God was good. He did certainly not ''feel'' God's closeness yet God was right there as always.

Praying for you!
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