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 [Guide] Soul Bender

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[Guide] Soul Bender Empty
PostSubject: [Guide] Soul Bender   [Guide] Soul Bender EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 11:05 pm

[Visom's Soul Bender Guide]

99.99% of you just want the skill build, so click the link called "core build". I left a lot of points left so you guys can put it wherever you want that suits your needs. If you don't know where else to put the points, then don't be lazy and read the guide =P
Core Build (skills that you must have if you're a soul bender, regardless of whether you PvP or PvE and you can't go wrong with that build). Use this if you need a quick build but are unsure of what you need at the moment.

Here are my own personal builds, don't whine if you hate it, its intended to fit my style and to give you guys an idea of what a SB build should be like. But I'd recommend going with the core build first and adding on skills you think you might need later on
Pure PvP
Pure PvE

Things I'm going over:
1. Introductions
2. Skill Guide
3. Equips
4. Quick PvP Tips

So what is a soul bender?
A soul bender is a slayer with advanced summoning and darkness abilities. He specializes in summoning ghosts to the battlefield to give him a power boost, attack his enemies, or support his allies. He also uses a wide variety of dark magic based attacks which are very powerful if used right. He has the lowest HP of all the slayer subclass and the lowest defense (without keiga) but has the highest MP and MP regeneration.

Skill Guide
I'll be listing all the skills from the other branches you'll need; just because you're a soul bender that doesn't mean you're going to ignore every other branches. I'll be listing what points you need for PvP and for PvE, but if you're hybrid then you're going to have to decide for yourself if want to add point(s) in that skill or not. I know some people are going to jump in and say something like "You don't necessarily have to max _____", I'm well aware that there is an exception to just about anything but I have no room in this guide to add details on every single little differences to accommodate for everyone's differences in opinions. If you don't agree with my guide, go make your own instead of trying to transform my guide into yours.

*I tried to be as non-biased as I can when describing the skill.
*Neutral wave (PvP: 1 or 0; PvE: 0): A good poke skill. Optional for PvE, good but not mandatory for PvP.
*Wave Wheel Slasher (PvP: 1; PvE: 1 or 5+cancel): Grab skill, get it now.
*Spirit crescent (PvP: 1 or 0; PvE: 0): Mainly used as an OTG (on the ground) attack. Don't suggest getting this since costs 50 SP per level and doesn't come with spirit crescent wave, for PvP its optional to have.

*Bloodlust (PvP: 1 or 0; PvE: 0): Another grab skill. Not needed but if you PvP a lot and need a second grab skill, then get this but just lvl1.
*Gore cross (PvP: 1; PvE: 1 or 0): Mainly used as a combo extender. Getting it is a good choice if you PvP, if you're PvE then its not necessary but can still be of use.
Weapon Master:
*Weapon Mastery (PvP: max; PvE: max): Max the mastery for your weapon of choice.
*Guard (PvP: 1 or 0, PvE: 0): Can be helpful but not mandatory, up to you on whether you don't want it, or want it. Recommend lvl1 if you do get it.
*Aerial chain slash: Can be helpful for PvP. For PvE its not necessary since you'll rarely use it. If you're hybrid build, getting this is not a bad choice.
*Ash fork (PvP: 1; PvE: 1 or 0): Helpful PvP, little use in PvE. I recommend having just 1 point for the utility, 25 SP just for this skill isn't much anyways.
*Triple slash (PvP: 1; PvE: 1): Useful as an escape/movement skill.
*Thrust (PvP: 1 or 0; PvE: 0): Preference, get it to lvl1 or don't get it. Though many people aren't getting it.

Soul Bender:
*Ghost slash (PvP: 5 or Max; PvE: 5 or max): best poke skill ever. Fast, strong, good reach, low'ish cool down. Don't recommend getting cancel.
*Kazan (PvP: 5; PvE: max): adds lots of str/int.
*Moonlight slash (PvP: 5; PvE: 5): Long reach, short cool down, great skill. Getting the cancel is up to you though you'll rarely need it.
*Bremen (PvP: 5; PvE: Max): debuff ghosts, stacks up great with any other ghosts/skills.
*Lunar curtain (PvP: 5; PvE: 5): Raises you and your party's shadow resistance, lower your enemies' shadow resistance. Not too bad of a skill but since it only lasts 10 seconds, its very annoying to recast constantly, the benefit it gives is small too so not worth maxing.
*After Image of Keiga (PvP: Max; PvE: Max): Get it, now! Skill's description is wrong. This reduces the damage you receive, not damage you inflict. Without you die just as fast as a mage.
*Ghost slash drive (PvP: 5 or max; PvE: 5 or max): lets you charge up your ghost slash to deal additional damage. Also releases a second dash attack after the initial hit. The dash attack fires off a ghost with different effects.
*Saya (PvP: Max; PvE: Max): Ghost that gives off a freezing aura that blasts all enemies standing in it with ice. Doesn't cause flinching but can freeze.
*Rhasa (PvP: 1; PvE: Max): Heavy debuff ghost. Summons tiny ghosts that attaches itself onto enemies standing inside rhasa's aura which carries on powerful debuffs/negative status.
*tombstone (PvP: 1 or max; PvE: max): Rains stones down from the sky that does shadow damage with chance of cursing, very powerful. I get mixed opinions on this skill about maxing or not. I personally am maxing it but I know anyone will be happy with it maxed. Some people just keep this skill at lvl1 though I don't really see the point... oh well their characters, not mine.
*Ghost step (PvP: Max; PvE: 4 or max): At the beginning of your dash, you'll become invulnerable for a split second. Very helpful in PvP but not as much in PvE. Also increases run speed.
*Phantasmal slayer (PvP: 1 or max; PvE: 1) Almost full screen grab. Very powerful. Can only be activate while in the inviniciblity phase of ghost step. Powerful skill for PvP if you max, but I personally think keeping it at level 1 is better since you have other skills that needs the SP more.
Kalla of dark flames (PvP: 1 or max; PvE: Max): For the most part, allows your normal attack to shoot dark fire balls at a good distance to deal damage to your enemies. Activating kalla again turns her into "dual dark fire swords" that allows the soul bender to deal 3 consecutive, super armored hits that deals massive damage. This video will explain the rest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOGsjmsj9J0

*+magical critical hit rate: great for PvP or PvE, very affordable as well
*+attack speed: great for PvP, expensive and don't recommend you get this till you're rich.
*+HP: great for PvP, makes a good difference because of your lowish HP. Not too expensive either.
*+cast speed: great to have PvP or PvE, expensive as well so get it when you're rich.
*+movement speed: bit pricey but not too expensive, only good for PvP since it helps you get to your enemies faster or run away from them if necessary.

Quick PvP tips
-Be creative in your ghost position to effectively zone your enemies
-Moon light slash is a great approach skill and lauches your enemies if it hits them; setting them up for a combo.
-Ghost slash is one of your best friend in PvP. Its a powerful poke, good skill to counter non super armor melee attacks and a combo finisher.
-Best advice of all: BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR STRATEGIES; Soul benders are the more strategic characters in this game to use. They have offense they have defense, they have zones; know how to combine them.

*Credits goes to Visom for making such an excellent guide!
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