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 Becoming Staff

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Posts : 109
Join date : 2011-03-08

Becoming Staff Empty
PostSubject: Becoming Staff   Becoming Staff EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:40 am

This is an FAQ about becoming staff for Script Kiddie. We hope this helps you and answers all your questions.

What are the requirements to become staff?
We have no specific requirements to list for you. However it stands to reason a staff member should be well respected, understanding of the current rules, mature, and professional. Account activity may also play a role. This doesn't mean 3000 posts of garbage will get you on staff. The quality of your membership is going to be based on the quality of your posts.

How are staff chosen?
Staff are selected by Admin with the input of the other staff members. Normally staff starts a nomination list and members are reviewed for a few days. Then an invite is sent to the member asking if they would like to be on the staff.

Can I moderate a specific section?
We only have a few forum moderators on the site. Some forums don't require a moderator at all. The forums that do require a moderator will have one chosen by Admin.

Should I send Tetris a PM about being on staff?
Absolutely do not PM Admin. You will not get a response or at least one you will like. Staff members do not nominate themselves. Staff are chosen and invited.

Are staff paid?
Staff are not paid on ScriptKiddie. Each staff member is a volunteer.

If I become staff can I abuse other members?
Nope. You'll be removed and probably banned.
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Becoming Staff

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