We try to have as few rules as possible, but some things just have to be.
You group/forum may not participate in or contain the following:
Sexual and/or pornographic content
Violent or repulsive content
Hateful or abusive content
Defamatory content and / or affecting the integrity of a person
Harmful and dangerous acts
Drugs and any other illicit substance
Sale or exchange of medication that requires a prescription from a licensed practitioner, or medicines without prescription
Phishing and/ or malware website
Credit card fraud
Do not Scam your members!
1. If you're running a paid group, we expect you to be legit. We will permanently ban you and your ip if your caught scamming your members.
2. If someone paid to join your group, we expect you to add them!
3. If you promised a member your group would have hundreds of tutorials to money making, and you sold someone membership to the group, but it's empty. You will be banned.(We do not want you deceiving our members!)
If you're caught doing any of this, you will be permanently banned from ever visiting SimpleTopix again.