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 Gettiing Accepted On CPA Sites

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Gettiing Accepted On CPA Sites Empty
PostSubject: Gettiing Accepted On CPA Sites   Gettiing Accepted On CPA Sites EmptyFri Jul 27, 2012 10:45 pm

OK, I've had a dozen or so people contact me with questions about how they can get accepted into a cpa network. I have a solution and it should work for everyone.

Method One:


All to often people are rejected because their website isn't up to par or they just don't have the money to start one. This leaves a lot of people out of the game and that really isn't fair.

I've decided to make this tutorial for people that are having a hard time and could do well for the networks/advertisers if given the chance.

Here's your answer, EMAIL MARKETING!!!

I'm a email marketer myself and have been accepted into two dozen or so networks with no website, no proof of anything and have never been rejected.

This is what you do...

(1) Apply to a network

(2) Within the comment section of the application (each network has one) write something like this...

"I'm a email marketer with close to 10,000 geo-targeted, double opt-in email's. I send a weekly/daily newsletter to my members and include serveral offers with it".

(3) Sometimes the application requires you to fill in a website. If this is the case, use either a free domain (free blog) or just type <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://email.com">http://email.com</a><!-- m -->. This tells the person reviewing the application your a email marketer.

(4) Talk to your account manager! If you can't find a contact phone number on the network's website, CALL YOUR AM! If not, your going to have to wait till they call you.

(5) Discussion with your account manager...

YOU: Hi, I'm John Smith. I'm a email marketer with 6 months of experience. I've got close to 10,000 geo-targeted, double opt-in email's.

AM: May I ask how you got those email addresses?

YOU: I run several membership websites that offer free ebooks and daily newsletters for my members. The members have double opted for my emails and I include offers with my newsletters. (Note: Your membership sites can be about anything, debt, freebies, tech news, whatever)

AM: Wow, that's great. Can I see one of your websites?

YOU: Sorry, I'd show you, but I've had too many of my sites stolen in the past.

AM: That's OK, I understand. Can I ask you how you go about sending your emails, what service do you use? And do you apply a suppression list?

YOU: I use Aweber to send my emails, each email includes a opt-out on the bottom of every email I send. Yes, I apply the suppression list for every network.

AM: OK, how many people opt-out of your email each month?

YOU: I'd say about 2%.

AM: This sounds great, what type of offers do you promote?

* At this point the AM has already accepted you and is now moving on to general questions that will better help him/her choose offers that might suit you etc. You need to tell the AM exactly what you want to promote and he/she will get you started.

I know your probably asking yourself, but I don't do emails. Well, that's ok. Think about it this way, you've been accepted into a network. At this point you can use a website, emails, whatever. I'd suggest using a double meta refresh for all your offers, but you should be doing that anyway right?

The truth is, once your accepted, you can do whatever you want within the guidelines of the network's TOS.

You are now one of thousands of publishers on a network. If you decide at a later point to use a website to promote offers, WHATEVER, go ahead and do it. YouTube, Social 'marketing', HAVE AT IT!

I hope this helps the people that are having a tough time getting into a network.

* The information provided should be altered in order to keep your application unique.

Method Two:

* Have a Business website setup - Make it look professional. I like to use wordpress because of how easy it is and it also looks very professional. Snowwhite has posted some great templates that will look good for your business
* Say you buy traffic through media buys and some PPC - This allows for you to not have many organic traffic sites. You can say you are able to target it ALOT more through bought traffic then through your organic sites.

* Your internet marketing experience is 1.5 years or more - They want semi-new affiliates. You dont have to be the first one to do IM or Aff marketing but they dont want someone who will make there company look bad with there nooby tactics.

* What "Verticals" or Offers do you promote - Anything that converts, then go into some that you have promtoed in the past. I like to say Health, Entertainment, and Biz Opp. Make sure you have a few of these rehearsed before hand.

* Have a REAL email address at your business domain NOT a gmail/hotmail account - I think Nevarc had said that 99% of scams come from hotmail or gmail accounts, or pretty much any other type of Free email account. Make sure you setup a nice looking biz site and then have your email like "Affiliates@yourdomain.com

* Answer your phone with Hi this is "Your name" from "Your business" - This just makes you look pro :-)

* Don't have a lame ringtone like Rap, country etc. Keep it traditional and professional - and this just makes you look lame... They want professional affiliates. You may love rap and they might too but it still makes you look bad.

* Have a professional voicemail - Hi this is "Your name from your company" I am either not at my desk OR am on the phone. Leave your name number and a breif message and I will get back to you.

* Call all networks back the day after! - This shows you are a proactive affiliate and they love this.

I have used these tactics to get into over 15 networks already and that was only two days ago. My business site isnt even in google yet! It just looks professional so they accept me. Give it a go and get into some of the top companies now!
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