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 Upgrading Account to Premium!

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Posts : 109
Join date : 2011-03-08

Upgrading Account to Premium! Empty
PostSubject: Upgrading Account to Premium!   Upgrading Account to Premium! EmptyTue Jul 03, 2012 12:21 am

How much does it cost to upgrade?
20$ US dollars

What benefits are there for upgraded accounts?

Ability to use the signiture feature.
Can close your own threads
Lifetime upgrade
Can edit/delete your own posts without time limits
Able to edit username on request
Removal of forumotion ads
Eternal happiness acquired by supporting this community
Special Supporter EasyA Premium images

I paid for membership, how long till my account is upgraded?
Typically within 24 hours, but up to 48 hours. Do not inquire via PM or create a support thread until at least 48 hours have passed. If you paid through paypal and it was an echeck, it can take 5-7 days to clear.

Can I pay with Paypal?

Our paying options are listed on this page:

Please purchase premium member from this page! Nothing else!

Can someone else pay for my upgrade?
Yes they can, but be aware if the payment is reversed or fraudulent, it will be your account that can get banned. Do not allow untrusted sources to buy you an upgrade. Be cautious and weary of those wanting to give you something for nothing.

Can I pay with a stolen credit card or with fake information?
No you may not. Any payments with fake information will result in your account being closed at SimpleTopix. Every payment is manually inspected to check for fraud. We expect real phone numbers, addresses, and a matching IP location for the billing address. If you don't want to provide this data, then don't upgrade.

Feel free to read our PrivacyPolicy.

How will you know the order is for my account?
When upgrading your account you must be logged in with the account you wish to upgrade. If you are we'll know. Please make sure you use the correct link to upgrade!


Do upgraded accounts expire?
No they do not. Your subscription is a lifetime subscription. Upgraded accounts can be banned though! Being upgraded does not allow you to bypass our rules.

Can I get a refund?
No. All sales are final. We do not offer any refunds for any reason. If you do a chargeback, we will close your account permanently.
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Upgrading Account to Premium!

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