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 Stolen Accounts

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Posts : 109
Join date : 2011-03-08

Stolen Accounts Empty
PostSubject: Stolen Accounts   Stolen Accounts EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:09 pm

In the instance your SimpleTopix account is compromised, your options are limited.

Expect these things to happen:

* Temporary Ban
* Permanent Ban
* Limitation of Account
* Password Reset
* Email Confirmation
* PM's From Staff

We encourage you to make a new account. We will match your new account IP to your old account. If a match exists, it will make it easier to help you recover your account. Be sure to use a secured email to signup and confirm your new account.

If you can please provide the forum administrator this information.

* Location
* IP address
* Email
* How this happened

The more info you have on yourself, the better your chances of getting your account returned to you.

What can we do?
We can manually change your password or e-mail on the compromised account to a new e-mail or password. We can also change your username.(In the instance the hacker ruined your name or reputation.)

Feel free to use the contact form or private message Tetris.

Example of an "Account Compromised" letter:

Message subject:
Account Compromised, please help!

Message content:
Yesterday I tried logging into my account and it's not working, I must've tried like 10 times until I realized I was hacked. I made a new account, can you please match my ip and help my retrieve my old account? I had a virus on computer which I already removed. I also created a new e-mail as my old one was compromised, i'm wondering if you can switch my old account e-mail to my new one so I could log on.
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