What is this?
This is a program i created, it starts the website scriptkiddie extremely fast.
What did you use to make it?
I used visual basics to create this program.
How does it work?
Well basically, the program is a web browser with nothing there. No search url bar,no tool bars,absolutly nothing!
This makes it start up at a lightning speed! The default url of the browser is scriptkiddie though. So when you
run the program ScriptKiddie opens up at an alarming rate.
Why did i make this?
I made this because i noticed ScriptKiddie was becoming awfully laggy. And i don't blame Tetris for this! I
understand the server is growing, the database is growing. More users visit.But this will make it a lot faster.
How much does it cost?
I will be selling this 200 SK Points.